Core Capabilities
- Systems Engineering
- Hardware & Avionics Integration
- Project & Systems Management
- Product Design & Development
- Requirement analysis
- Systems Administration
- Risk Management
- Manufacturing Oversight
- Supplier Quality Surveillance
- Payload Integration & Development
Key Technical Areas
Green Energy
Success Stories
Space Launch System
- SLS Launch Vehicle Stage Adapter (LVSA)
ECI provides Mechanical Design (flight hardware and GSE), Electrical Design (flight and ground) Systems Engineering and Integration for hardware and software, and other key tasking (Systems Management, Risk Management, Scheduling, etc.) for the human rated space flight hardware.
ECI was recognized in 2015 with a MSFC Small Business Subcontractor Excellence award for the work on the SLS LVSA Program.
- Integrated Avionics and Software Verification and Validation (V & V)
ECI is applying Systems Engineering processes and best practices to accomplish the Verification & Validation planning for SLS Level 2 Integrated Avionics and Software (IAS). Emphasis is placed on utilization of the SIL (the hardware/software integration facility) to accomplish the VV&A tasks. Also coordination across the vehicle and with other programs to accomplish mutual needs for VV&A interfaces and functions.
- Stages Avionics & Software Integration
ECI’s provides integration expertise for the Stages Element Avionics and Software. ECI advises on concept and requirements definition, program cost and schedule projections, acquisition planning, systems development and adaptation, and alternatives analysis during the design, development, and test phases of the SLS Core Stage and Exploration Upper Stage. This tasking includes supplier oversight, command/telemetry database development, ICD development and change processing, hardware/software design evaluation and recommendations for “make work.”
International Space Station
- Microbial Monitor System (MMS) Special Study – Collaboration with NASA/MSFC, TBE and iCubate (pic of MMS)
ECI lead a special study for the development of a next generation MMS system for the ISS based on modification of a State of the Art (SOA) COTS system. ECI formulated a concept that packaged the necessary functions of the COTS system into an ISS Express Rack. This concept was evaluated for microfluidics, microbiology, and hardware performance within the ISS. ECI developed a Phase 0/1 safety package and presentation for the PSRP and presented to the safety panel, and items to support an SRR for OZ. ECI also performed root cause analyses for anomalies encountered during development testing of hardware/software and performed as liaison to the COTS provider for NASA.
- Ring Shear Drop Study – Collaboration with TBE, NASA/MSFC, and Renssaelaer Polytechnic Institutes (pic of RSD)
ECI performed a Pre-Phase A study for the RSD experiment flight hardware design. Our design team created a CAD concept and conducted basic electrical, thermal, material, operational and safety evaluations, while maximizing the use of existing host facilities concluding it is a good candidate for flight. This evaluation is being presented to NASA-HQ for funding approval for proceeding to Phase B of DDT&E in FY17.
- ECLSS Ground Test Hardware
ECI performed the engineering design maintenance and manufacturing liaison tasking to accomplish building parts for an ECLSS Ground Test Bed at MSFC. Tasking included drawing review, drawing updates/modifications for the ground application, assessment of alternate materials and manufacturing processes and approaches and identifying suppliers.
Success Stories
- Boschma: Alaska Grant for slow stream power generator prototype
ECI provided design, production and operations for a Slow Stream Power Generator Prototype of an electric power cyclo-turbine.
Success Stories
- Microbial Monitor System (MMS) Special Study – Collaboration with Hudson-Alpha Institute for Biotechnology/ iCubate, NASA/MSFC, TBE
ECI lead a special study for the development of a next generation MMS system for the ISS based on modification of a State of the Art (SOA) COTS system. ECI formulated a concept that packaged the necessary functions of the COTS system into an ISS Express Rack. This concept was evaluated for microfluidics, microbiology, and hardware performance within the ISS. ECI developed a Phase 0/1 safety package and presentation for the PSRP and presented to the safety panel, and items to support an SRR for OZ. ECI also performed root cause analyses for anomalies encountered during development testing of hardware/software and performed as liaison to the COTS provider for NASA.
- Ring Shear Drop Study – Collaboration with Renssaelaer Polytechnic Institutes, TBE, and NASA/MSFC (pic of RSD)
ECI performed a Pre-Phase A study for the RSD experiment flight hardware design. Our design team created a CAD concept and conducted basic electrical, thermal, material, operational and safety evaluations, while maximizing the use of existing host facilities concluding it is a good candidate for flight. This evaluation is being presented to NASA-HQ for funding approval for proceeding to Phase B of DDT&E in FY17.
Success Stories
- Alcyon Engineering: US Navy Strategic Systems Program
ECI performed Systems Engineering and Integration, risk management and system management expertise and training for US Navy Strategic Systems program